
AgroSkandia manage around 13.000 ha with various crops such as winter wheat, winter rape, horse beans, maize and grass. The crops are managed by a Danish manager with several years’ experience from Eastern Europe.
We have a healthy crop rotation which combined with cover-crops and no-till seeding methods ensure a sustainable production where the growing potential of the soil is kept or improved to the extent possible which ensures adaptation to the ongoing climate change. Furthermore, we use the newest technology, the field management and vegetation control system,, and data analysts in order to optimize input and output from the production.
Approximately 75% of the land is seeded directly using the no-till method. The goal is to move towards 100 % no-till in 2023.

The crops are cleaned, dried and stored in our grain center which encompasses a modern laboratory for testing the grain quality. Electronic surveillance of the silos ensures the quality of the grain during long term storage.

AgroSkandia has approximately 1000 dairy cows with respective young stock. The dairy herd is managed by a Danish manager with more than 20 years’ experience in the milk production business.
The animal welfare and milk quality live up to European standards. The stables are built to provide the optimum conditions for the cows by giving them the possibility to move freely and at all times have access to fresh water and feed.

AgroSkandia started a small-scale vegetable business, growing potatoes.
1500 ha of our land bank are ideally suited for vegetable production.